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 Icefrog: New plan, get DOTA 2 BETA out as soon as possible!

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PostSubject: Icefrog: New plan, get DOTA 2 BETA out as soon as possible!   Icefrog: New plan, get DOTA 2 BETA out as soon as possible! I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2011 2:05 am

Icefrog announces the plans on the DOTA 2 BETA!

Well it has been really quite on Valve's side for a while and here is the reason! The official blog has just been updated and the info in it is impressive! Please have a look for your self:

We’ve been a bit quiet lately. As always, we learn a lot whenever we put something out and get feedback from you all. Showing Dota 2 to the world at The International gave us a lot of feedback to chew through, and the many recent forum threads talking about the information leaking out of the beta has added to the pile. After a bunch of thinking, we’ve decided to change our plans a little.

Our original plan was to spend the next year or so in beta, adding new features and slowly growing the number of heroes until we reached a level of parity with Dota 1, at which point we’d release Dota 2 to the world. But the feedback we’re seeing everywhere is that people just want to play it, even though there’s still a ton of heroes yet to be implemented. We’ve also seen that the folks who are already in the beta are chomping at the bit to show everyone else some of the fun games they’ve had. So we decided our original plan was dumb.

Welcome to the new plan: We’re going to take the current version of Dota 2, which has The International set of heroes, and get it out there as fast as we can. We’ve still got some work to do in a couple of areas, so we’ll be keeping it invite-only for a (hopefully short) period of time. But there’ll be no restrictions on what players can do with it – they can release screenshots, make movies, shoutcast matches, write guides, publicly make fun of our HUD, or anything else their hearts desire. While they do that, we’ll be shipping regular updates with more heroes, new features we’ve been working on, and improvements on the existing content as we get more and more feedback.

What does this mean for you? It means it’s even more important that you get on the list that we’ll be inviting from. If you’re talented, you could take a shot at winning an invite in the GosuGamers competition or the Playdota contest. Once you’ve got your hands on the game, feel free to talk about it however you’d like – we’re excited to see what you’ll produce.

In the meantime, we’re going to be ratcheting this blog up a little too, so you can expect some more regular posting from us.

Super good news eh? So to sum this up:
The NDA (non-disclosure agreement) has been lifted!
Icefrog and Valve are working on getting the version of DOTA 2, that we saw at "The International", out in BETA for the public as soon as possible.
No more news regarding the BETA invites though. Just make sure you are in the Steam list.
So, once again both Icefrog and Valve are showing how much they respect the DOTA community. Answering to our calls, paying close attention to our requests and working their asses off to rectify everything that got negative feedback from "The International" and forth. At times like this, you can only be confident for the future of DOTA 2. With actions such as this and an interactive game creation process that Valve seems to be implementing, I am certain that the game will be a huge success. Naturally, after this announcement a lot of interesting other news also popped up!

For starters, the NDA being lifted meant people who were in the beta started streaming videos of them playing DOTA 2! Finally we can see how DOTA 2 looks like from a player's perspective. You can watch DOTA 2 in the following sites:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Or if you like, you can head on to to have all the streams in one place!

Also, DotaCinema, the YouTube channel known for the hero introduction videos, has started posting videos of the shop system, spectating features, and never-before-seen gameplay of Axe. You should definitely check out these videos and be amazed at Dota 2's awesomeness!

Shop System

Player Perspective

Axe Gameplay

In the competitive scene, Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC 2011) which has hosted a few DotA tournaments in the past years has announced the decision to switch to DOTA 2 for this year's tournament!

With the success of DOTA 2 at Gamescom, the organizing committee saw no reason to continue the annual competition on DotA 1. Instead, ESWC has officially decided to make the switch to Dota 2 with the support of producers Valve. Teams who have confirmed their participation in the Grand Finals will also receive DOTA 2 access to ensure that they are fully prepared for the event. What's more - a couple of beta keys will be made available to privileged spectators during a raffle at the event itself.

As with our previous announcement, all interested participants can register for regional qualifiers here. Top four will earn themselves a slot in the Grand Finals while top 2 will enjoy sponsored accommodation for the event.

Held from the 20th to 25th of October in beautiful Paris, ESWC 2011 promises to offer gamers and spectators respectively the show of their lives.

Which teams will take home the $22,000 cash in store for them? We will just have to wait and see.

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